Rise up: Leave a legacy

Posted On: Wednesday, 04 September 2024

Throughout history, what has set people apart from each other is not just their deeds in the moment, but the enduring mark they leave behind — a legacy. 
The concept of leaving a legacy is often tied to human aspiration and the desire for significance. In Hamilton: An American Musical, Lin-Manuel Miranda portrays the theme of leaving a legacy through the character of Alexander Hamilton himself. Hamilton was a Founding Father of the United States, and a key figure in shaping the early political and economic landscape of the nation. His face is still displayed on the front of the $10 bill. 
Throughout the musical, Hamilton is depicted as someone driven by the desire to make his mark on history and leave behind a lasting legacy. This drive is evident in his relentless pursuit of success, his ambitious plans for the future of the United States, and his unwavering dedication to his principles. 

At its core, leaving a legacy is about making a meaningful and lasting impact that extends beyond one’s lifetime. Whether through acts of kindness, groundbreaking innovations, or philanthropic commitments, each person has the power to shape the narrative of their legacy.
After Hamilton’s death in 1804, his wife, Eliza, began the journey of solidifying Hamilton’s legacy and leaving one of her own. While Hamilton focused on leaving a legacy with his political pursuits, Eliza was a staunch advocate for women’s rights and played a significant role in promoting education and empowerment for women. She co-founded the first private orphanage in New York City, which provided shelter, education, and vocational training to young women. Eliza also supported initiatives aimed at expanding educational opportunities for girls and women, recognizing the importance of education in promoting gender equality and social progress.
A well-crafted legacy has the potential to endure for generations, influencing the course of history and shaping the collective consciousness of humanity, as proven by the Hamiltons. 
Leaving a planned gift to a nonprofit organization is a powerful way to leave a lasting legacy that reflects your values, passions, and desire to make a positive impact on the world. Your generosity and philanthropy will be remembered and celebrated by the organization and its beneficiaries, leaving a meaningful imprint on the world long after you are gone.
Each of us possesses the capacity to leave a positive imprint on the world, whether through advocacy like Hamilton or philanthropy like Eliza. By harnessing our talents, passions, and resources for the greater good — not self — we can sow the seeds of a brighter future and leave behind a legacy of resilience, innovation, and hope for the next generation of American Legion Auxiliary members.
Your planned gift can serve as a powerful example and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. By publicly acknowledging your support for the ALA or American Legion Auxiliary Foundation, you may encourage friends, family members, and peers to consider their own charitable giving and legacy planning, thereby amplifying the impact of your generosity.
Together, let us strive to leave behind a legacy that reflects the best of who we are and inspires future generations to rise up. 
To learn more about your legacy giving options, visit www.ALAforVeterans.org/planned-giving. To notify ALA National Headquarters of your intent to include the Auxiliary or ALA Foundation in your estate plans, please contact our Development Division at development@ALAforVeterans.org.

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.