Units can honor fallen heroes during Wreaths Across America Day

The American Legion Auxiliary and Wreaths Across America (WAA) officially joined forces in August 2023. Although our organizations have had an unofficial relationship at the local unit level for years, this partnership promises a positive future that serves both organizations’ common missions. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formally united the two organizations to support one another and build a stronger awareness of each group’s visions, with the focus being on honoring and supporting our nation’s veterans, military, and their families.  
“The MOU confirms that relationship and gives us the potential to expand upon it, and the units can officially receive monies back with every wreath they purchase to be placed at a grave,” said ALA National Headquarters’ Senior Program Manager Chrystal Daulton. 
Wreaths Across America’s mission is to remember the fallen, honor those who serve, and teach the next generation the value of freedom. Founded in 2007, WAA is best known for its annual wreath-laying ceremonies in December, but their appreciation and generosity does not stop there. The continuous expansion of this year-round mission happens because of dedicated volunteers like ALA members who utilize the program to raise awareness and funds for their local organizations and community services. 
This year, national Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, Dec. 14. Join the millions of volunteers and supporters who will place wreaths on veterans’ graves across local, national, and military cemeteries, as well as veterans’ memorials and historic sites to remember and honor veterans at more than 4,225 participating locations in all 50 states. We encourage all members of The American Legion Family to show their support. 
“It’s never too early to start planning,” said Daulton. “If and how you would choose to support this — either as an individual member of the ALA or as your unit, your department, or your district — start planning today!” 
There are two opportunities you can participate in national Wreaths Across America Day: 
1. Volunteer as a sponsorship group: ALA units can take part in the Wreaths Across America Sponsorship Group Program. You are provided an opportunity to further the organization’s mission, raise sponsorships to place veterans’ wreaths, and support programming, while offering ALA members an opportunity for fundraising as they honor veterans. 
• Units that register with the “$5 Back Plan” will earn $5 for every $17 sponsorship earned — allowing the donor to essentially “do good twice” and support both programs and missions. As a volunteer sponsorship group, you will be responsible for networking within your local community to gather wreath sponsorships. You will select at least one cemetery to support as a group, whether that’s a national cemetery or another cemetery in your state or within your local community. To sign up as a sponsorship group, visit: www.ALAforVeterans.org/Wreaths-Across-America.
2. Sponsor wreaths: You can also support the ALA’s efforts through the WAA program with a $17 sponsorship. 
• Visit www.ALAforVeterans.org/Wreaths-Across-America to sponsor a wreath and select the cemetery you would like to support.
Important reminder: Please note that ALA poppy funds CANNOT be used for WAA. For more information on how to use poppy funds to support our mission, visit www.ALAforVeterans.org/Poppy-Funds.

ALA Academy Course: How Your Unit Can Work Our Mission and Earn Money with Wreaths Across America
ALA Academy offers a webinar to learn more information about how your unit can support our combined missions and earn money with Wreaths Across America. This webinar features guest speakers from WAA who share some history of Wreaths Across America, their partnership with the American Legion Auxiliary, our sponsorship program, and the tools available to help make this a successful endeavor for units nationwide. Visit www.ALAforVeterans.org/ALA-Academy and log in to the MyAuxiliary member portal to view the webinar. 

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.