person with tablet

How do I submit my department committee/program year-end report? When is it due?

Your year-end report is due May 15 and should be submitted via email directly to your division chair with a copy to the national chair of that program.

Where do I submit my impact numbers?

Please refer to your department’s guidelines for submitting impact numbers for members, units, and counties/districts. Department impact numbers may be submitted electronically at

How do I include my narrative for the award submission?

At the bottom of the form, you will see a heading labeled “Narratives and Photos”. Underneath that heading, there are three sections where you can upload files from your computer to be included with your submission. The first is “Narrative Report (either a PDF or Microsoft Word Document)”. Click “choose file” and select your file that contains your narrative for the award submission. This section is required, and your narrative must be uploaded to successfully submit this form. Please note you can upload only one file.

How do I include pictures, files, etc., to support my award submission?

At the bottom of the form, you will see a heading labeled “Narratives and Photos”. Beneath that heading are two areas labeled “Want to share more?” where you can upload files from your computer to be included with your submission. Please note that each time you click “choose file” for either area, you can upload only one file. These areas are not required, but the more documentation you can provide strengthens your awards submission.

What if I need to provide additional documentation?

At the bottom of the form are email addresses for ALA programs that have awards. Additional documentation (JPEGs, PDFs, etc.) may be emailed to the corresponding program email address.

Do any old rules for submitting awards still apply (e.g., typewritten narrative not to exceed 1,000 words, sending pictures, clippings, scrapbooks, folders, etc.)?

A typewritten narrative must accompany all submissions. However, because the form is now online, that criteria is now automatically met by completing the form. Scrapbooks may be scanned and submitted through the “choose file” options at the bottom of the form, but please keep in mind that they may not exceed 14 MB.

If you are emailing additional documentation, please refer to the chart below for maximum sizes, which depend on your email provider:

Email Provider Sending size limits

Apple Mail (iCloud) 20 MB
Gmail 25 MB
Outlook/Office 365 20 MB (10 MB for Exchange accounts), with up to 150 MB in Office 365
Yahoo 25 MB
This sizing information applies to all attachments, whether they are pictures, newspaper clippings, and other supporting files.

Do I need to include a cover sheet as an attachment for my awards submission?

No. The electronic form takes the place of the paper awards cover sheet from years past.

What if I need to stop and return to the submission form later?

At the bottom of the form, you will see a “Save and Resume Later” link. Click on that link and you will see the following message:

screenshot of online form

Enter your email address, and a specialized link will be sent so you can complete the form at a later time. But remember: All submissions must be completed no later than 5 p.m. EDT June 1.