5 things to do before your kids go back to school

Posted On: Monday, 24 July 2017
Family Support

While it can be exciting to think about cooler temperatures, cozy sweaters, and fall-themed activities, don’t forget to enjoy summer while it’s here! Take advantage of the sunny days with these activities to ensure that your family soaks up every last bit of summer before school starts.

  1. Cool off – Take advantage of the warm weather and stay cool with a trip to a local beach, pool, lake, or splash park. Whether it’s a local spot or one that requires a road trip, you won’t regret seeing the smiling faces of your kiddos as they jump into the water.
  2. Watch a movie outside – Find a drive-in theater and go see a movie! Some drive-ins have playground equipment so kids can run around before they sit down for the show. If there isn’t a drive-in near you, there are other options. For example, lots of city parks, community centers, and churches offer outdoor screenings of family-friendly movies – usually for free. Bring blankets, chairs, and snacks. Check ahead of time to make sure there aren’t any special rules on what you can bring.
  3. Enjoy the great outdoors close to home – Camp out in your backyard! Pitch a tent, set up sleeping bags and pillows, and prepare for a low-stress night of fun. Plan some activities for the whole family that won’t involve any screen time. Roast marshmallows, sing songs, and pick a couple of fun activities, like a treasure hunt. Fun can also be found in simple activities such as throwing a Frisbee, or stargazing. Whatever you decide, your kids are sure to enjoy it
  4. Have a picnic with a view – Summer is full of beautiful sunsets. Have a picnic and enjoy the view as a family! For a quick and easy picnic, pack a blanket, some drinks, and fixings for a light meal – cheese and fruit will do. Take turns sharing favorite memories of the summer so far.
  5. Visit some furry friends at the zoo – Research zoos in your area to see what would be fitting for your family. Watch as your child’s eyes light up with wonder when viewing animals they don’t normally see. Being around zoo animals, either up-close at a petting and feeding area or from a distance at an exhibit, could spark your child’s curiosity and encourage learning.

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.