As the after effects of recent hurricanes, fires, and other natural disasters linger, many people are still facing very long recovery periods and related expenses. The Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) is available to help our ALA family in these instances — and the deadline to apply for an AEF grant has been extended to Feb. 1, 2018. Please let ALA members in need of temporary grant assistance know about the application deadline extension as soon as you can!
Eligible ALA members can apply for an AEF grant by logging in to the Members Only area on our ALA website. The ALA is prepared to expedite the process of grant requests from Auxiliary members impacted by the recent hurricanes, fires, or other natural disasters.
Another way to help ALA members in these emergency situations is to donate now to the AEF, using ALA’s secure online donation form. Donations are tax deductible. Every dollar you give helps!
Read this note of thanks from a member impacted by Hurricane Irma and recently helped by the AEF, and see what a difference AEF grants can make:
“I am a retired senior lady living alone. Also, I have been treasurer for two years in my unit and didn’t know about the AEF until another member told me! This check will be put to good use toward my insurance deductible. Thank you so much.”
We have already seen ALA members offer various forms of assistance to fellow Auxiliary members impacted by these devastating natural disasters. Numerous ALA and other American Legion Family members have leap into action, doing things such as providing bottled water, food, cleaning supplies, plus other necessities and assistance in areas damaged in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
Another bunch of Auxiliary helping hands extended to fellow ALA members came from Colorado Unit 58, which paid the dues of 48 members in three units in the areas hit hardest by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. That’s one less thing for each of those impacted ALA members to worry about as they face sizable challenges recovering from this disaster.
In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.