How Programs Relate to the ALA’s Centennial Strategic Plan

Posted On: Sunday, 22 July 2018
Centennial Strategic Plan

Mission Outreach Programs

ALA Girls Nation– As our single most consistent community outreach program, ALA Girls Nation and ALA Girls State help us cast a wider membership net (Goal 1) and raise awareness of our mission (Goal 5) with a population that can have a positive impact on our organization, our mission, and our nation. 

Americanism – Promoting patriotism and responsible citizenship help us fulfill our brand promise (Goal 5) by giving U.S. citizens a chance to participate in our mission by feeling patriotic and demonstrating their support in an active, visible way. 

Children & Youth– By protecting, caring for, and supporting children and youth, particularly those of veterans and military families, ALA members fulfil our brand promise (Goal 5) of being community leaders and responsible American citizens while caring for military families. In doing so, we are building a future membership base (Goal 1) among our target demographic — military families. 

Community Service– While building community awareness of the ALA and its mission, ALA members serve as brand advocates (Goal 5) through involvement in community activities. 

Education – Through classroom activities, literacy programs, scholarship promotion, and support of education beyond high school, ALA members build brand loyalty and awareness of the ALA’s mission (Goal 5) through their education-related community service projects. 

Junior Activities – Inspiring active participation by ALA members under the age of 18, the Junior Activities program builds a strong future for the ALA by engaging productive members to carry on its mission for life. (Goal 1 and Goal 3) 

Legislative – While advocating for the legislative agenda of The American Legion, Auxiliary members raise awareness for our mission and increase brand loyalty. (Goal 5) 

National Security – Maintaining and promoting a strong national defense by supporting servicemembers and their families helps us build brand loyalty (Goal 5) among a target membership population (Goal 1) while keeping us focused on our mission. 

Poppy – Using the image and story of the Flanders Field poppy to educate people about the sacrifices of our military servicemembers helps us raise awareness of The Legion Family and link us to our mission in the eyes of the public. (Goal 5) 

Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation – Our work to enhance the lives of veterans, military, and their families provides our members opportunities to serve in volunteer leadership roles within their local Veterans Affairs hospital (Goal 3), which broadens our membership pool (Goal 1) among a target population and builds brand loyalty (Goal 5) with the veterans themselves. 


Member Support Committees 

Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) – By providing temporary financial assistance to members in need, the AEF increases brand loyalty (Goal 5) and helps us retain members. (Goal 1) 

Constitution & Bylaws – Properly written, reviewed, and updated documents, policies and procedures strengthen our organization at all levels through clarification of roles and responsibilities. (Goal 4) This creates an environment that allows goodwill to develop and grow. (Goal 2) 

History – Preservation of the ALA history helps us define our core values through time. (Goal 2) 

Leadership – In support of Goal 3, the Leadership Committee raises awareness of leadership development opportunities. 

Membership – By living our values, the members of the national membership committee encourage and support the nationwide effort to attract, engage, and retain a diverse, active membership — person by person – to ensure the future of the American Legion Auxiliary. (Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 3, Goal 4, and Goal 5) 

Past Presidents Parley – Designed to help Auxiliary women who have served as unit, department, or national presidents, members of this committee model civility, loyalty, and Service Not Self as they actively work to build a strong future for the organization. (Goal 2, Goal 3, Goal 4) 

Public Relations – Promoting who we are, what we do, and why we matter strengthens our brand (Goal 5) and makes us appealing to potential members who will recognize our common goal of helping veterans, servicemembers, and their families (Goal 1). 


Administrative Committees 

Audit – In order to manage risk exposure for the ALA, the national Audit Committee establishes best practices for departments and units. (Goal 4) 

Child Welfare Foundation – Dedicated to the betterment of all children, Legion Family members who raise funds and award grants through the Child Welfare Foundation build brand loyalty (Goal 5). 

Finance – With the oversight of the general financial policy of the national organization, members of the Finance Committee make Goal 1 possible and strengthen departments and units (Goal 4) through sharing of best practices. 

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.