The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation positively impacts the lives of those we serve by funding programs of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) today and for future generations.
The ALA Foundation, founded in 2007, exists to assist in carrying out the educational, charitable, and other exempt purposes of the American Legion Auxiliary by raising funds for, assisting in conduct of, and providing support to the Auxiliary programs. As a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation, the ALA Foundation provides a resource to engage additional investors interested in supporting our mission.
When you give to the ALA Foundation, you can choose which fund to donate to, or choose for your gift to go to the greatest need that exists at the time you make your donation.
This lawn mower was among numerous pieces of equipment purchased for a veterans transitional home in Illinois, using funds from an ALA Foundation grant. The mower allows the veterans there to keep their new residence looking good, building a sense of pride and accomplishment. This is one of many ways donations to the ALA Foundation are used.
The Veteran Projects Fund provides direct assistance to an ALA entity — a department or unit — to continue providing care and comfort to our heroic defenders of freedom who are so highly deserving of everything we can possibly do for them.The ALA Foundation supports Veterans Creative Arts Festivals locally and nationally. The creative arts are one form of rehabilitative treatment used to help veterans recover from or cope with physical and emotional disabilities. Across the country each year, veterans treated at VA facilities compete in a local creative arts competition. Donations to the ALA Foundation are used for workshops, preparation for, or facilitation of local competitions, which feed into the national festival.
Donations to the ALA Foundation Mission Endowment Fund are permanently restricted so that future generations may benefit from ALA programs that support all of our veterans and promote education, good citizenship, and outreach to veterans facing tough challenges.
An endowment fund is a permanent fund that holds its principal in perpetuity and pays out the investment earnings each year to be used toward ALA programs such as ALA Girls Nation or the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival. For example, if you give $100 to the ALA Foundation Mission Endowment Fund, the $100 is invested and yields 5 percent interest for the year. The $5 interest earned will be put toward an ALA program, while the $100 principal will remain in the endowment fund to continue to grow and earn interest annually.
Currently, interest from the ALA Mission Endowment Fund goes to sustain the ALA Girls Nation Program, and the goal is for our investment to grow large enough to permanently fund the program from earnings.
In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.